Praise for The Spineless Porcupine
“This whimsical allegory about diversity and inclusion is emotionally honest in a way that sticks with you. It carries such hard-hitting insights on what builds (or destroys) a sensation of trust and belonging in a community. Definitely the perfect book for restoring a sense of self-worth in someone who feels like they’ve never fit in. And for those doing the hard work of replacing suspicion and bias with teamwork and reconciliation, it provides much-needed lessons of compassion toward self and others.”
– Carin Taylor, Chief Diversity Officer at Workday
“The Spineless Porcupine is a Good Story and a True Story. As you read it or listen to it, tell the Dragons in your inside world to calm down for a while, to sit and listen, too. And just perhaps, you and your Dragons are in for a wonderful and healing adventure.”
– William Paul Young, author of The Shack, Cross Roads, Eve
“This story of a porcupine without quills fighting for respect and recognition in a sharp, prickly, and antagonistic world is so poignant and relatable. As the little porcupine discovers her true values and stops being so motivated by the priorities of others, the reader is invited to do the same. This book reminds you that even when the world demands cruelty and competition, you can still choose love, joy, cooperation, and creativity. It’s a gentle lesson, but an unforgettable one."
– Vivian Wong, Group Vice President at Oracle and Board Director
“In a world of silencings, what we need are stories spoken aloud. And Aiden has done just this. Addressing LGBTQ+ visibility and people on the edge, he has amplified stories for people who have felt on the edge of faith, on the edge of power, and on the edge of themselves. This is a book to soothe the heart, and to deepen courage, and to expand the imagination.”
— Pádraig Ó Tuama, Poet and Theologian
“As a former preacher and Christian speaker, I love great allegories because they can be ‘sticky’ ways to teach crucial lessons. In creating The Spineless Porcupine, Aiden has given all of us who’ve ever submitted to the immense pressure to conform to rigid norms or incongruent expectations the realization that we need to grow a “spine” even if we, like Mattie, were born spineless. (I also love a good play on words!)
However, it’s rare that we can generate this kind of courage on our own. Like Mattie, most of us need unconditionally loving guides, like Pearson, who’ve already experienced this great self-awakening. They will help us see not only that we are not alone, but that who we truly are is what the best parts of the world are waiting for us to contribute. This book aptly captures my decades-long journey from looking to the American Evangelical ‘circus’ to give me my tenuous worth, to believing today that all of our worth is sourced in the One who made us who we are and who loves us without reservations.”
– Rev. Dr. Ken Fong, Retired Pastor and Asian America Podcast Host
“The Spineless Porcupine is a touching story that does a fantastic job of showing people that you should not only accept what makes you different but fully celebrate it. It’s a sweet and easy-to-read book that every person should check out if they want to learn how to be more inclusive.”
— Yasi Agah, Contributor, Feminist Book Club